Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Monsieur Scissorhands

Between La-Roche-Canillac and Tulle sits a house in the tiny hamlet of Le Laurel.   We drive by often and we are always taken aback by the incredible work the owner has done shaping the hedges.  Works of art!
His house has multiple urns of vibrant red flowers brightening the walk, and well-tended spirals on each side of the door.  They overlook the yard filled with these incredible live sculptures.

 A basket full of colourful flowers.

A little squirrel who seems ready to nibble on some nuts.

A giraffe from the front and from the side.  However does he get the tail to look so real!

A young ballerina dancing for the snail and chickens and dog and deer and windmill statues.

This one reminds me of a many-tiered wedding cake.



Does this look like your teddy bear?  It's probably too big to bring to bed with you!  Any idea how long it took to get it this big?  Must be years.

What a cozy little sheltered alcove, perfect for reading a great book on a hot day.  Or sharing a cup of tea with a dear friend.  It feels cool just looking at it. 

I wonder if this is where Monsieur rests after his daily tour of the garden, snipping and trimming his works of art to perfection!



  1. This is such a delight! I loved the teddy bear!!

  2. What an artist! This is such a talent, I hope that artist has passed the skills and techniques along. Margi
